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If you are an Authorised Signatory or a manager responsible for administering Glasgow's ID pass scheme in your organisation. Enter the ID Centre to submit forms and make appointments. 

Log in the ID centre      Check airside pass guidelines

Application forms

All application forms and useful templates can be downloaded here.   

Form 11: Form to ask for the release of data

The GDPR provides specific protection against unauthorised disclosure.

Download form 11

Help Guide for Authorised Signatories

Download Help Guide for Authorised Signatories

Form 14: Airport ID scheme enquiry form

For companies or organisations which are new to the airport environment – perhaps dealing with a contract for work for the first time. Set up an account with us by completing this form and supplying the supporting documents.

 Download Form 14 (405KB PDF)

TUPE Declaration

To be used only when authorised by your ID Centre Account Manager.

 Download TUPE Declaration (16KB DOC)

ID Pass Return Receipt

 Download ID Pass Return Receipt (28KB DOC)

Reference request templates for you to use

We have prepared these templates based on our authorised signatory briefing session. They meet most if not all of the circumstances you are likely to meet. If you wish to vary the content, please ensure that you do not amend the questions the template letters pose to each recipient – these are set out in the direction that we have to ask you to follow. Please feel free to change certain issues of style or tone and remember that you should use your organisation's letterhead when preparing the letters. All the templates are in Microsoft Word format so they can easily be edited.

The following must not provide references on behalf of an ID Pass applicant: blood relatives or ex-relatives by marriage, relatives by adoption - including cousins, current or ex-partners and their relatives, persons living at the same address, current employees of the ID Pass Sponsoring Company or individuals under the age of 16 years.

Template 1: Employment reference

For referees, not for the current employer.

 Download template 1 (81KB DOC)

Template 2: Sponsoring company reference

For the current or most recent employer.

 Download template 2 (31KB DOC)

Template 3: Self employment reference

To verify details when an applicant has been self-employed.

 Download template 3 (35KB DOC)

Template 4: Employment in family business reference

To verify details when an applicant was employed by their own family.

 Download template 4 (44KB DOC)

Template 5: Employment agency reference

If your applicant's employment was with an agency.

 Download template 5 (37KB DOC)

Template 6: DWP/JobCentre plus reference

If your application was unemployed.

 Download template 6 (38KB DOC)

Template 7: Education reference

References from schools, colleges and universities.

 Download template 7 (36KB DOC)

Template 8: Gap reference

To cover any gaps of over 28 days in the reference record.

 Download template 8 (42KB DOC)

Template 9: Voluntary organisation reference

If an applicant has spent time in the voluntary sector.

 Download template 9 (37KB DOC)

ID pass regulation

All the ID pass scheme's rules are contained in one convenient document, the ID Pass Application Standard 2019.  This document details the requirements for each type of pass including passes for vehicles.

Comprehensive requirements for the application of a Full ID Pass are contained separately within the Full Airside ID Pass Guidelines.

Most of the regulations set out the ways in which we can authorise and verify access to the critical part of the security restricted area of our airports are contained in the European Regulation Direction 185/2010 (published April 2010).

We have used this direction to prepare the ID Pass Application Standard 2019. Please note that this is an important document and you must agree to keep it where it cannot be accessed by others and destroy it in a secure manner when you no longer require it.

Please note that the contents of the document form the curriculum of our Authorised Signatory training programme.

ID Pass Application Standard 2019 (295KB DOC)

Full Airside ID Pass Guidelines (42KB PDF) 

ID Pass Holder Responsibilities (20KB PDF)

MD Directives MDD 03-14 V10 ASAT (PDF 290KB)

MD Directives MDD 01-20 Fire Safety (PDF 258KB)

Contact the ID Centre

Contact the ID Centre using any of the following methods.

Arran Court
St. Andrews Drive
Glasgow Airport
Paisley PA3 2ST

Tel: 0141 842 7585 / 0141 842 7640 / 0141 848 4536

Email: securityid-gla@glasgowairport.com

Out of hours security:
0141 848 4231

Service times:
Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 16:00 hours (Closed 12:00 - 13:00)

Closed bank holidays

Fire training can be carried out on the Glasgow Airport e-learning platform "Learning Nexus". To access the system please go to https://glasgowairport.learningnexus.co.uk/login/index.php and click on create an account. Each user account will be billed an annual fee as per the current year's sundry charges list located on the Glasgow Airport website.

Tools of the trade/contractors pass:
0141 848 4295

ASAT ENQUIRIES: 0141 842 7571 / 07786686618

Contact the Audit Office

Contact the Audit Office using any of the following methods.

Arran Court
St. Andrews Drive
Glasgow Airport
Paisley PA3 2ST

Tel: 0141 842 7640 / 0141 842 7570 / 0141 842 4536

Email: glaidreferencing@glasgowairport.com

Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 16:00 hours (Closed 12:00 - 13:00 and bank holidays)

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