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The FlightPath Fund is now accepting applications for 2025

We take great pride in the active role we play in supporting the communities near the airport and are delighted to report that hundreds of community groups and charities have benefited from our funding programme, the Glasgow Airport FlightPath Fund.

Established in 2010, the FlightPath Fund was set up with the sole intention of providing financial support to charities and community groups committed to improving the facilities and services available to local people.

Since launching, the total sum granted to over 800 projects and activities has amounted to almost £1.9 million.

The Glasgow Airport FlightPath Fund is designed to ensure the communities surrounding the airport share in its success. The FlightPath supports community groups and charities in Renfrewshire, Glasgow North West and East and West Dunbartonshire.

Clyde River Foundation’s Flying Fish Project

The FlightPath Fund has supported this fantastic project for almost 10 years.

During this time, over £45,000 has been awarded by the Fund to ensure more than 2,500 primary pupils across 100 schools could participate in this important environmental education programme.

We have seen first-hand that not only do the pupils involved learn so much about the biodiversity of their local waterways, but they also have a tremendous time when doing so.

To find out more about Flying Fish and the Foundation click here.

Flying Fish Report 2023 (PDF 2.47MB)

The FlightPath Fund's Committee meets between five and six times per year to discuss awards and 2025's dates are listed below. Applications should be submitted no later than three weeks prior to the next meeting and are available to download below along with our guidelines:

The FlightPath Fund Committee will meet on the following dates in 2025:

21 February

4 April

13 June

22 August

24 October

5 December

It is imperative that any organisation wishing to apply for support reads the below guidelines.

FlightPath Application Form (DOC 125KB)

FlightPath Guidelines (PDF 179KB)

A valid bank statement and proof of bank details is required in order that an award payment can be made. These must be supplied within 30 working days of the receipt of the award letter or email sent by the Fund’s administration team. Failure to do so will result in the award being rescinded.

Funding awards will continue to focus on three key areas:

Employment - We recognise the importance of making sure the future workplace is equipped with the skills that society and industry demands and, by supporting specific projects, we aim to help young people in the community reach their full potential. Awards will be given to exciting local projects that can break down barriers to employment through skills development.

Environment - To underpin our commitment to making a positive contribution to the environment, the FlightPath Fund supports projects with a focus on protecting and enhancing our natural environment.

The FlightPath Fund supports social and educational projects which are designed to bring positive benefits and to change the lives of people in the communities we serve.

Application forms can be downloaded below and returned via email only to flightpath@glasgowairport.com. Please note that applications must be sent no later than three weeks prior the next meeting date. 

The committee meets under the chairmanship of accountant Archie Hunter, who brings considerable financial expertise to the role with previous positions including senior partner for KPMG (Scotland) and past president of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.

To ensure the funding targets communities near the airport, the FlightPath committee consists of independent elected representatives from Renfrewshire, Glasgow, and East and West Dunbartonshire councils.

Members of the committee from left to right: Chair Archie Hunter, Councillor Iain Nicolson (Leader, Renfrewshire Council), Councillor Lawrence O'Neill (West Dunbartonshire Council), Councillor Fyeza Ikhlaq (Glasgow City Council), Councillor Calum Smith (East Dunbartonshire Council), Councillor Alison Ann-Dowling (Renfrewshire Council)

Secretary - Jennifer Stewart

Latest Flightpath News

Passengers dig deep to raise over £8,000 to support the FlightPath Fund

Glasgow passengers have raised £8,147 for the airport’s FlightPath Fund so far in 2024.

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Airport's FlightPath Fund to deliver over £120,000 in 2024 to support local communities

The FlightPath Fund is making more than £120,000 available this year to help support community groups, charities and sustainability-themed projects local to Glasgow Airport.

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