PRM Events 2023-2024
16 April 2024
We held our first PRM forum of the year with our forum members and reviewed the service provision provided year to date including our performance measures against our SLAs and KPIs, as well as other work carried out within the year. Minutes of the Forum can be found here.
21 March 2024
We have invited the Renfrewshire Access Panel (RAP) to attend and visit the proposed new public car park along with the plans to the changes. This will help us to ensure that nothing has been missed in the project and that all requirements have been fulfilled to ensure that this car park is fully accessible before it is put into use. We will also share the report or any actions at the next PRM forum in April.
13 & 14 March 2024
We started the first of our planned innovation trials. Over the two days, volunteer participants and Open Inclusion carried out trials with the technology provided by Hello Lamp Post (HLP), to see if it would provide benefits to deaf or hearing-impaired passengers. The trial covered the whole passenger journey from arrival at the airport all the way to aircraft gate, as well as the return journey. We will receive feedback in a week or so, once the details have been collated, but the system and signage will remain for a longer period so that we can obtain more data and feedback from passengers.
13 March 2024
As part of the national Keep Safe Awareness day, we helped I Am Me Scotland and Strathclyde Police re-launch the use of the Keep Safe places which Glasgow Airport has joined, and the event was aimed at raising awareness within staff and members of the public. Due to significant staff changes since the pandemic, we want to raise awareness again across the campus. I Am Me have also kindly agreed to carry out more training for staff. We have set training dates for w/c 18th of March for both OCS and GLA customer services staff.
12 March 2024
Meeting with Renfrewshire Access Panel (RAP) at their local centre, and we gave an update on proposed changes to one of our staff car parks which will soon become a public car park and shared some of the proposed details for accessible spaces, help points and walking route etc. We will arrange another meeting to visit, walk the proposed route, and review all changes. We will also use this time to prepare for our next PRM Forum in April. We also shared some details of the innovation trials which are due to start this week.
9 February 2024
We met with Open Inclusion, who we hope will provide independent participants for the upcoming trials. The participants will walk and travel the entire passenger journey, and we will try out some of the technology and innovation, and provide evaluation back on the trial. This will be independently evaluated, and output fed back to all parties involved.
16 January and 6 Feb 2024
Site surveys with Hello Lamp Post (HLP) took place as part of the proposed technology trial, covering the entire passenger journey, including wayfinding, accessibility provision signage etc. This survey will be used by HLP, as well as some of the other technology trials which are also being considered or tested. Meetings with the consultant and groups involved in these trials will continue throughout Jan to end of March.
11 January 2024
We attended the Alzheimer Scotland at their day centre in Paisley, where we met with a support group of individuals who are at various stages of the journey with a family member who has Dementia. We were asked along to promote the facilities and help that was available at the airport, for those that are travelling with support needs. This was a great learning experience for all involved and feedback from the group was invaluable. We have offered to join this group again when needed, as and when members of the group change.
3 January 2024
As part of our work with a consultancy group, we met with Hello Lamp Post to discuss the opportunity of trialling their technology at the airport, and for its use in connection with the PRM service. The initial meeting was very fruitful, and we have arranged to set further meetings in the diary to progress this work.
21 December 2023
We joined with others, helping Alzheimer Scotland who were running another local event for their service users in a local venue. This was a Christmas afternoon tea including music, dancing and with a special VIP helper. BBC personality Jackie Bird was a surprise helper on the day, and the event was a huge success as always.
13 December 2023
We hosted a visit from CAA, who were visiting some of the larger Scottish airports. We had the opportunity to discus some of the local challenges, as well as share any best practice, and we had the opportunity to hear of the challenges facing others around the country. They also shared an update on the proposed Airline Accessibility Framework, as well as changes to oversight of the airport PRM forums.
11 December 2023
We met with TUI regional Manager to review their current PRM operations and current operational challenges. We highlighted some of the potential areas for improvement on both sides around pre-notification on certain key routes and local challenges due to changes in aircraft types and operating procedures. Improvements have since been made and welcome TUIs help and support.
29 November 2023
Glasgow Airport joined the CAA/DfT Airport Accessibility workshop which was in a similar aim as the Provider forum held on the 21st of November but focused on the airport operator and their challenges in the airport environment.
28 November 2023
We met with TUI customer service team to advise on hidden disability training for their customer faced terminal team. We also discussed our own current provision as well as the option for pre-visit tours for passengers. They will use this for local training as well as updating their customer help centre on the local provision at Glasgow Airport.
22 November 2023
We held our second PRM forum of the year with our forum members and reviewed the service provision provided year to date including our performance measures against our SLAs and KPIs, as well as other work carried out within the year. Minutes of the Forum can be found here.
21 November 2023
Our PRM provider, OCS, took part in the CAA/DfT aviation accessibility workshop which was set up to look at accessibility provision across all large UK airports. The aim was to identify both best practice and common difficulties within Service providers within the Aviation sector.
1 November 2023
We met with World Duty Free at Glasgow Airport who were looking to start an initiative around passengers with additional support needs who may be shopping within their stores. We gave advise on the types and volumes of passengers and service users who currently travel, and gave advice and help on training for staff. In particular we helped with the training around those passengers with hidden disabilities. They now have key staff in place who act as hidden disability champions. We will catch up with them again after the trial has been in place for a period of time.
17 October 2023
We met with our local dementia advisor at the airport from Alzheimer Scotland as part of our regular engagement and in planning for the upcoming PRM forum in November.
23 September 2023
OCS, Glasgow Airport staff and family helped with some local fund raising for Alzheimer Scotland who sit on our PRM forum. During the day we helped them raise over £900 which was a great result,
22 September 2023
We met with Colostomy UK following requests by a local user group to take part in a trial locally. On further feedback from them, we were asked to put the trial on hold at the moment.
20 September 2023
Following feedback from RAP and users, we again reviewed the seating layout and availability through the entire PRM journey within the Terminal and seats were re-sited to allow better wheelchair access and provide some additional seating along some longer routes.
4 September 2023
We had an initial meeting with an external consultancy group who are looking to Trial innovation in relation to PRM passengers within an airport environment. We walked the consultants through the entire PRM journey and then discussed areas where we could see room for improvement for some service user groups. The discussions went well, and we have agreed to move forward and take part in some trials at Glasgow with some of the SMEs and start up solutions. Next meeting date to be confirmed.
31 August 2023
We met with the CAA as part of their ongoing oversight of the PRM provision at Glasgow. As part of this visit, they took the opportunity to walk the passenger journey focusing on key operational pinch points and processes put in place to manage the service.
25 August 2023
We attended Stobhill Hospital after being invited by NHS Scotland to give a talk to the Ostomate support group. We manned a stand and gave information to the user group on special assistance provision at the airport and general help available at all EU airports.
Many of the service users had not travelled since their procedures and were naturally nervous or apprehensive about making their first journey by air and what to expect at the airport, security and onboard etc.
Following the event we are looking to update our own information and take further steps to help this hidden disability user group. We have also agreed to take part in another event soon.
24 August 2023
We volunteered and gave some time to help our local Alzheimer Scotland branch in running a day event for their service users form the area. It was a great afternoon and nice to also receive positive feedback from some users who had travelled recently through Glasgow Airport.
3 July 2023
We joined an AOA meeting, which also reviewed and took feedback from airports on the proposed CAA accessibility framework, CAP2486.
28 June 2023
Met with a passenger who had a difficult experience travelling through GLA with an insulin pump. Having reviewed the journey and feedback from the couple it was evident that the correct process had not been followed. We wanted to meet in person to fully learn from the experience and ensure that all new staff have been fully trained and aware of the process.
The passenger is travelling again soon, and has kindly agreed to act as a mystery shopper and we will await further feedback. She has also kindly offered to carry out specific training if needed.
27 June 2023
We joined the GLA multi agency readiness call which has been set up to ensure all parties at GLA are ready for the summer peak and further increase to passenger growth moving into 2024.
22 June 2023
We joined the Scottish Government Aviation Accessibility working group along with several other representatives from other airports. A member of MACS, Hilary Stubbs, also gave an overview of feedback on how airports could improve accessibility further.
22 June 2023
We met with the family of a young lady who is preparing to travel long distance for the first time. Despite travelling from another UK airport to Canada, she had heard of the service we offered at Glasgow and wanted to explore options available to her through her entire journey. We talked the family through the entire process from booking assistance with the airline all the way to her final destination. In doing so, we also saw first hand how difficult it was for them to book with a non UK based airline. We will share this feedback further with the CAA. We also facilitated a tour of the entire PRM journey for her, a few days later, and feedback from the family was that it had made a huge difference for the daughter.
13 June 2023
Glasgow Airport fire service (Falck) hosted and delivered a presentation on the challenges and safety of Lithium batteries. It was extremely well attended and external emergency services are keen to roll the presentation out wider.
13 June 2023
Joined the CAA framework for airline accessibility as part of the ongoing consultation for proposed airline framework CAP 2486. Several clarifications were made enabling us to provide better feedback on the consultation paper.
23 May 2023
Took part in the CAA Aviation Accessibility. The CAA shared details on current UK PRM performance in increased demand across the UK. Several other airports shared best practices and operational updates at their locations.
16 & 17 May 2023
Met with CAA board and gave an overview on the GLA PRM service and our performance as part of their visit to GLA looking at our entire operation from check-in to departure.
10 May 2023
Met Loganair and their web design team to review CAP 2486 requirements, specifically to look at WEB design requirements as Loganair were in the process of updating their current website. Shared any feedback and learning from our own design and best practice from other airline booking systems.
9 May 2023
Meeting with Renfrewshire Access Panel (RAP) to share updates on some queries raised through our feedback process, and to start preparation for our next PRM forum.
4 May 2023
We had an introductory meeting with a company who provide an innovative approach to quiet spaces. We have arranged to meet further and vie the solution in operation at another location within the next couple of weeks.
28 April 2023
We met with Alzheimer Scotland to make arrangements for a pop-up event for Dementia Awareness week. This year’s theme is “Tea and a Blether” and scheduled for late May.
28 April 2023
We joined the Access Panel Scotland online conference hosted by Disability Equality Scotland (DES). We rely on Renfrewshire Access Panel (RAP) for engagement wide a wider community, access auditing, training and help in resolving access issues. It was good to hear from other Scottish Access panels and learn of the different and sometimes unique issues they may have due to their location or catchment area.
24-28 April 2023
We hosted a work experience placement for a young student who has hearing impairment and wears cochlear implants. We facilitated 5 days, in as many departments within Glasgow Airport Limited and with our PRM Service provider (OCS) across multiple disciples to give him an overview of our workplace. He gave really nice feedback and is rally keen now to pursue a career within aviation or customer service and we wish him luck in his future.
18 April 2023
We joined the Glasgow Airport Multi Agency working group to ensure that moving further into the pandemic recovery and expected increase in passenger numbers, we are ready for the increase in PRM requests, and our infrastructure is fit for purpose for the demand.
6 April 2023
We joined the Scottish Government led Aviation Accessibility Group with other national airport stakeholders, and a key guest from Mobility & Access Committee for Scotland (MACS) gave an overview of what can be done and good practice in travel sectors. The group discussed existing provision and some innovation already endorsed. Another meeting has been scheduled.
30 March 2023
We visited a local church where Alzheimer Scotland were holding a day event for the service users. It was a fantastic afternoon and being able to help out with refreshments and chat to some of the users and family members was hugely rewarding.
16 March 2023
We had our first PRM Forum of the year and included guest invites with Lanarkshire branch of the National Autism Society, as well as a user of the service who had provided feedback on the service. Please see attached minutes here.
15 March 2023
We met with Emirates airlines, following the proposed return of the A380 on a regular schedule at GLA, to review operational requirements for PRM passengers and plan for the additional high volume of PRM assistance requests expected.
13 March 2023
We met with Loganair to review and provide feedback on proposed changes and updates to the functionality of their new website and PRM booking pages. After consultation with them and heir web development team we have agreed to provide further help where required.
16 February 2023
We met with the Renfrewshire Access Panel to catch up on events and plan for our upcoming PRM Forum on the 13 March 2023.
16 February 2023
We worked with Police Scotland to facilitate a visit for a local group of families with children with additional support needs and provided a complete tour of the passenger journey and external areas not normally accessible to the public.
10 February 2023
Following feedback received from the Lanarkshire branch of the National Autism Society, we to review and update our on-line hidden disability guides. These are now in draft format and have been passed to our digital and media team. Once drafted we will forward and seek further feedback on the draft documents.
9 February 2023
We joined the second of the Transport Scotland Aviation working group meetings. Some of the main discussions were around what each airport saw as it’s current challenge ahead. We discussed the need to match the sudden passenger growth and resource challenges around this as an airport community and in particular for Glasgow, the need to re-engage with the NHS. Several other airports agreed and had the same challenges. The next meeting is scheduled for April.
7 February 2023
We met with Loganair, who is one of our key partners across all three AGS airports and have a high proportion of PRMs who use the service when travelling for medical care. Due to the effects and difficulties of the pandemic, it has had a particular impact for those using the PRM service. We are looking to re-engage with NHS and Loganair to try and resolve some of our current challenges and better provide for this group of users.
6 February 2023
We hosted a two-day visit with one of the Southampton Airport Duty Managers who is now overseeing the PRM provision at the airport. The visit was to give a good understanding of PRM legislation, the processes and IT solution that we use, to ensure that we provide an excellent service to our customers. The aim was to share best practice of both operations and ensure a consistent approach and level of service is delivered across both airports.
31 January 2023
We hosted a visit by Jane Thomson and Steven Crichton from Prestwick Airport and shared a lot of the work going on in the background at both locations. Even though our operations are different, we share a lot of similar processes, and it was great to be able to share best practices on both sides.
For previous consultations click below:
PRM Consultation 2022 (PDF)
PRM Consultation 2021 (PDF)
PRM Consultation 2020 (PDF)
PRM Consultation 2019 (PDF)
PRM Consultation 2018 (PDF)